We know we have wonderful, committed, engaged people here at Mosaic. Our clients tell us all the time. But it’s always nice when this commitment and engagement is recognised, which is why we’re thrilled to announce we’ve won Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award 2020.
About Voice Project and our award
Voice Project is a leading provider of employee engagement, customer service and 360 leadership surveys, working with organisations who are committed to empowering their workforce, giving their employees a voice and creating positive change.
Their Best Workplace Award recognises organisations that have achieved exceptional levels of employee engagement and satisfaction – often a defining characteristic of organisations that deliver outstanding services. The more supported, empowered and engaged employees feel, the better an organisation performs. Happy employees, happy clients.
High scores and high fives all round
Our survey for the Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award revealed a remarkable overall employee engagement score of 84%. But we achieved award-winning scores across the board.
From high scores in diversity, teamwork, role clarity and ‘voice climate’ (knowing how to report incidents of abuse or neglect and feeling safe to do so) through to industry-leading scores in wellness, career opportunities, performance appraisals, resources and equipment, we have much to be proud of.
“Great to see the opportunities for staff to move to different roles within Mosaic.”
– Mosaic employee
Improving work-life balance and career opportunities
Notably, year on year, we made marked improvements in flexibility (+14%), safety (+16%) and career opportunities (+14%). This is the result of concerted, ongoing efforts to look after our employees’ health, wellbeing and work-life balance and provide the career opportunities and support people need.
Many of the improvements in our engagement scores can be attributed directly to WHS and training programs we’ve rolled out over the past 12 months and an intensive drive to upskill and promote from within. These programs include new online training capabilities and initiatives to strengthen training and career pathways throughout our organisation.
“Great team dynamics, supportive leadership, ability to pivot and adapt to change.”
– Mosaic employee
Taking care of our employees, as well as clients, during COVID
Improving employee engagement and satisfaction is always a cause for celebration, but especially this year, when we’ve had to adapt to meet the challenge of COVID.
In fact, in our COVID survey, our employees gave our COVID action and response plans and support a 93% satisfaction score.
“It’s heartening to see such high employee engagement and satisfaction scores,” says Pippa Cebis, CEO at Mosaic. “All the more so in what has been a challenging year where we’ve had to pull together like never before to deal with COVID.
“We’re always looking for ways to support our employees. But ultimately, this award is a testament to our people – their commitment and dedication. This is their award and I’d like to congratulate and thank every one of them, including our volunteers who make such a valuable contribution to our workplaces and culture.”