Donate Now
Help us give more people with disability the gift of possibilities.
Donate today to help us transform the lives of people living with disability. No matter how big or small, your gift will make a difference.
Donate now
Your contribution to Mosaic will help us transform the lives of people living with disability. As well as supporting the provision of quality services so our clients live life on their terms, you will also contribute to research, programs and innovations to accelerate the impact of our work.
As one of WA’s most trusted disability service providers, we know what it takes to make a difference, and we invite you to join us on the journey. Help us push the boundaries of what is possible.
Will you help us?
Together, we can create a better future for people living with disability.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Annual Giving Program
Gifts to our Annual Giving program make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve and make you a partner in our mission.
Donations of $500 or more within one calendar year will be recognised in our Annual Giving program under the following tiers:
- Possibilities Partner $25,000
- Transformation Trailblazer $10,000
- Ambition Ambassador $5,000
- Impact Investor $2,500
- Aspiration Ally $1,000
- Community Champion $500
For more information about this philanthropic program, visit our Annual Giving page.
Donate by phone
Call us on 08 9314 8900
Donate by email or mail
Download and complete our Donation Form and make payment by cheque, credit card or EFT.
Return your completed form to:
Or you can post it to:
Mosaic Community Care
Executive Manager Marketing and Partnerships
2 Sabre Crescent,
Jandakot WA 6164
Should you wish to donate an even more significant gift to Mosaic, we would be pleased to talk to you about how your donation could support a specific program or project, tailored to your areas of interest.
If you are interested in leaving a bequest in your Will, please call us on 08 9314 8900 or visit our Gifts in Wills webpage for more information.
Our donors
Mosaic recognises the incredible generosity of all our donors. Every donor makes it possible for us to achieve our mission and go beyond to help create a truly inclusive community. A community where we remove barriers and embrace possibilities.
We thank all donors, past and present, for their generous commitment to Mosaic.
Want more information?
We invite you to get in touch to talk about how you can support us to give more people with disability the gift of possibilities. Contact us on or (08) 9314 8900.