Learn2Adult is a new tool that has been developed for teenagers and young adults living with disability. It’s designed to help young people to take control of their lives and become confident adult decision-makers.

Are you a teenager or young adult living with disability?

If you want to make your own decisions when you’re an adult, but are worried about how that will work, then Learn2Adult can help you prepare. It will help you plan to take over adult decisions when you feel ready.

Are you a family member?

Learn2Adult can provide a smoother, less stressful and more effective transition to developing an adult-adult relationship with your child.

Do you work with teenagers or young adults with disability?

If you are a therapist, support coordinator or other disability services professional, you can help teenagers and young adults and their families more successfully navigate the transition to adulthood with Learn2Adult.

What does it do?

The Learn2Adult Decision-Making Roadmap tool helps both families and teenagers to proactively plan how to move the decision-making from parents to adult children. The tool is provided as a workbook that covers the type of decisions adults can make and how to learn to make those decisions.

For teenagers and young adults Learn2Adult can provide:

  • A better quality of life
  • Increased protection of human rights
  • Reduction in behaviours of concern
  • Less use of restrictive practices

How do I get Learn2Adult?

You can download the FREE workbook for the Learn2Adult Decision-Making Roadmap tool right here on our website. Please fill out and submit the form below and the link to Learn2Adult will be emailed to you.

Please check the box that best describes you
Please let us know where in Australia you are

Please note: As Learn2Adult is a new tool, it’s important for us to seek feedback so we can ensure it works. Which means we may email you in the future to find out how it’s working for you and your family. We may also email you with news or updates on Learn2Adult. Any contact from the Mosaic Learn2Adult team will only relate to the Learn2Adult Decision-Making Roadmap. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions on Learn2Adult you are welcome to contact us on Learn2Adult@mosaic.org.au

You can also view a video of our recent webinar on Learn2Adult.

Learn2Adult Coaching

We are introducing a new FREE, individualised Learn2Adult coaching service. All Learn2Adult coaching sessions are 1:1, tailored to your unique needs, and completely confidential. Find out more about the service and register here.

Personal stories

Hear from Tracey, who shares her experiences as a person with disability on taking control of her own decision-making.

Hear from Karen who shares her experiences as a mum to a 32-year-old daughter with intellectual disability who now lives in her own home.


We are grateful to Telethon for their support in developing Learn2 Adult.

We also acknowledge the following people who contributed their time, input and expertise to help us develop Learn2Adult: Mustafa Al Rashid, Michelle Donaldson, Tracey Hicks, Ryan Honschooten, Nicole Ikin, Rae Porter, Suzanne Porter, Karen Reid and Trish Sullivan.

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