At the same time that Christie lost the ability to be independently mobile and needed to utilise a power wheelchair on a full-time basis, she was also out told by her doctor that to be listed for a vital kidney transplant she needed to lose a significant amount of weight. In her words she was struggling to come to terms with her disability and became quite depressed.

The Mosaic support team helped Christie to achieve this critically important goal by focussing on her food choices, shopping goals and cooking skills. They advocated to obtain the equipment needed for Christie to both exercise and cook safely and celebrated with her when she reached her goal weight and was placed on the transplant list.

Christie was so impressed with her support team that she wrote a submission and entered them in the 2021 NDS Disability Support Awards.

“After spending many years being isolated by my disabilities and becoming in many ways institutionalised from spending almost a year hospitalised, I have finally reached a point where I am enjoying lunches out with friends and discovering hobbies I enjoy. My support staff have gone above and beyond to create a level of care that works with me and for me, and they all bring something to the table that enhances my life and creates a quality that I could never have dreamt of.”

Christie and her nephew